


Oximeter, pulse and oxygen meter

Artikkel: 32-01-0145
Hemoglobin blood oxygen saturation is the percentage of the volume of oxyhemoglobin (O2Hb) combined with oxygen of the total combined volume of hemoglobin (Hb) and oxyhemoglobin (O2Hb) in the blood. In other words, it is the concentration of oxyhemoglobin in the blood. It is a very important parameter for the respiratory circulatory system. Many respiratory diseases can cause a decrease in oxyhemoglobin saturation in human blood. In addition, problems with oxygen supply, which could lead to a decrease in the saturation of human oxyhemoglobin, can also be caused by the following factors: disorders of automatic organic regulation due to anesthesia, intense post-operative trauma, injuries resulting from some medical tests, etc. In such a situation, patients may experience disorders such as dizziness, asthenia, vomiting, etc., which may even threaten the patient's life. Therefore, it is very important to know the patient's oxyhemoglobin saturation in time in clinical and medical aspects so that doctors can identify problems in time.
The oximeter is small in size, low in power consumption, easy to use and portable. To take measurements, the patient only needs to place the tip of one finger on the photoelectric sensor, and then the measured oxyhemoglobin saturation value will be displayed on the screen. It has been shown in clinical experiments to have a fairly high accuracy.

Measurement principle

The working principle of the oximeter is as follows: the data processing formula is created using Lambert Beer's law according to the spectral absorption characteristics of deoxyhemoglobin (HHb) and oxyhemoglobin (O2Hb) in the incandescent and near-infrared zones. The principle of operation of the device is the photoelectric control of oxyhemoglobin. The technology is applied according to volume pulse scanning and recording technology so that two light beams with different wavelengths (red light and infrared light) could be focused on the tip of a human nail with a clip-type sensor. Then the measured signal can be received by a light-sensitive element, through which the received information is displayed during processing in electronic circuits and a microprocessor.

Scope of product application
Intended Use: An oximeter is a type of non-invasive device that can measure and display SpO2 and pulse rate. It is intended for adults and children and is intended for home and hospital examinations.
Contraindications: none.

Oxygen saturation (%)
Pulse rate (beats/min: 1/min)
Perfusion index (%)
Battery charge level
Heart rate bar
Pulse filling wave
Perfusion index value
Oxygen saturation
Oxygen saturation (%)
Pulse rate (beats/min: 1/min)
Heart rate bar
Battery charge level
Oxygen saturation
Pulse rate
€ 39.31
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€ 39.31

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